Prosimo, upoštevajte: To spletno mesto vključuje sistem dostopnosti. Pritisnite Control-F11, da prilagodite spletno mesto slabovidnim, ki uporabljajo bralnik zaslona; Pritisnite Control-F10, da odprete meni za dostopnost.

Special offers for events at the 72nd Ljubljana Festival

06. 06. 2024

The opening of the 72nd Ljubljana Festival is almost upon us! Once again this year, the festival will provide a summer filled with cultural events, where everyone will be able to find the one that is perfect for them out of the more than 100 different events involving more than 5,000 outstanding performers. In collaboration with selected sponsors of the 72nd Ljubljana Festival, we have prepared the following special offers for loyalty card holders and customers:

  • Holders of the Spar Plus, Pika and Petrol cards, the Lekarna Ljubljana loyalty card, the Svet Knjige card and the European Disability Card are entitled to a 10% discount on event tickets.
  • Zavarovalnica Sava policy holders are entitled to a 10% discount on event tickets.
  • Telekom Slovenije customers are entitled to a 10% discount on ticket purchases.
  • Holders of tickets for boat trips on the Ljubljanica are entitled to a 10% discount on ticket purchases during the Ljubljana Festival on the Ljubljanica.

Discounts apply to two tickets per event and can be claimed at the Križanke Box Office.

Discounts are not cumulative and are not valid on the day of the event. Discounts do not apply to co-production events (Uroš Perić, Oto Pestner & “My Ladies”, Vlado Kreslin).

Take advantage of these special offers and secure your tickets for unmissable cultural events. You can find out more about the programme and the events that will take place this summer as part of the 72nd Ljubljana Festival by clicking here.