About us

Calling card

Company:Festival Ljubljana
Company in English:Festival Ljubljana
Seat:Trg francoske revolucije 1
Date of foundation: 11.11.1954
Entry into the register of companies:10002900
Business activity code:90.040
Registry number:5053277000
VAT identification number:SI74608002

Information about the Organs of the Public Institution

Artistic and General Director
Darko Brlek

The Board
Jadranka Dakić, President
Anton Colarič, Vice President
Francka Trobec, Member
Iztok Kordiš, Member
Špela Draksler, Member

The Expert Council
Tomo Vran, President
Andrej božič, Vice President
Katja Bogovič, Member

Festival Ljubljana is a public institution and it was founded by the Municipality of Ljubljana.

Festival Ljubljana is member of the European Festival Association (EFA) and the International Society of Performing Arts (ISPA).