Updated: April 2023
FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA undertakes to make the ljubljanafestival.si website accessible in accordance with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act (Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act (Uradni list RS, Nos. 30/18, 95/21 – ZInfV-A, 189/21 – ZDU-1M, 18/23 – ZDU-1O).
The accessibility statement refers to the ljubljanafestival.si website, which is maintained by FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA. FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA does not have a mobile app for the ljubljanafestival.si website.
In order to make the website accessible to as wide a range of users as possible, FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA ensures that its web content is also accessible to people with disabilities. The website is adapted to meet the needs of vulnerable groups through the EqualWeb web plug-in, which is accessible on the far right-hand side of the website. Its functioning enables compliance with SIST EN 301 549 V3.2.1. and the guidelines WCAG 2.1, ADA, Section 508, AODA and IS 5568.
1. Managing accessibility settings
Accessibility settings can be accessed by clicking on the icon

on the right-hand side of the website. After activating the accessibility settings, it may take a few seconds for all the settings to load.
2. Level of compliance
To ensure accessibility, some system adjustments have been made to the ljubljanafestival.si website:
- The website follows the W3C standards and recommendations;
- The website is responsively designed and adapts to all orientations and screen sizes. The website is adapted to different devices (computers, phones, tablets, e-readers, etc.);
- The text on the website is presented in the form of text and not embedded in images, allowing the use of screen readers;
- The website pages contain headings that describe their main topic or purpose;
- Site titles and tags describe the topic in context;
- Individual website sections have headings for content organisation;
- The website navigation is clearly marked;
- An adequate colour contrast between different website elements is ensured;
- Pictorial material can be provided with alternative text;
- Different levels of addresses can be used;
- It is possible to zoom in and out of the entire page and font at the level of web browsers up to a minimum of 200%;
- The user’s location on the website is indicated (with the use of so-called “breadcrumbs”);
- Additional accessibility settings include contrast adjustment, a magnifying glass, text reader, font changing, title highlighting, link magnification, a virtual keyboard, monochrome scheme, light/dark contrast mode, font size adjustment, line and word spacing, and background, title and content colour adjustment;
- Buttons and links have a clear purpose in the context;
- The website contains a site map in a user-friendly and machine-readable format;
- Videos allow you to adjust the volume, pause and jump to any section;
- The website does not play audio without the user’s consent;
- The default line spacing is at least 1.5 font heights;
- The website allows you to navigate using any input method – keyboard, mouse or touchscreen;
- The languages of individual pages can be set using a programme;
- The language is grammatically correct and readable, the content is predictable, and all the forms have an aid for input or identification of input errors;
- Notifications of any errors are clearly displayed;
- The website does not have any flashing content.
The ljubljanafestival.si website is partially compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act. The non-conformities and exceptions are listed below.
FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA strives to make the website as easy to use as possible for all users, including vulnerable groups, and we are constantly improving accessibility. Despite efforts to make all subpages accessible, some content may not yet be fully adapted to all groups due to technical or contextual barriers. The reason for such continued inaccessibility is the estimated disproportionate burden of making the necessary changes.
Inaccessible content:
- Some of the pictorial elements do not have an optimum alternative description entered, an issue which is gradually being addressed, or the pictorial material in question is purely decorative rather than substantive, and thus a description is not needed;
- Multimedia content is not fully accessible (e.g. video content is not subtitled), as some of it is live streamed and some of it includes recordings of musical performances linked to the website from other platforms;
- Partner sites (e.g. ticket purchase) that are only linked to this website;
- Certain promotional materials and publications intended for print (e.g. brochures and similar PDF documents);
- The website is not fully adapted for vulnerable groups. The reason is the disproportionate burden that would be placed on FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA with regard to making the necessary changes. FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA considers the burden to be disproportionate in that the financial implications would be disproportionate to the benefit to the user if all the content were translated into sign language, as the volume of content is very large. In addition, most of the content is subject to change and it would be difficult to ensure that the sign language translations are up-to-date.
3. Feedback and contact information
If you have anything to tell us, or if you are interested in anything about accessible/non-accessible content, you can contact us at info@ljubljanafestival.si.
If the specific content you require is not currently available, please write to: info@ljubljanafestival.si.
We accept notifications of cases of non-compliance related to the website’s accessibility by email at: info@ljubljanafestival.si. We will respond to the notification or request within 8 days of its receipt. If we are unable to provide an adequate response within this timeframe, you will be informed when a response will be provided and the reasons for the delay.
For all other information related to website accessibility, please contact:
Trg francoske revolucije 1
1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: +386 (0)1/241 60 00
Email: info@ljubljanafestival.si
4. Enforcement proceedings
The Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Information Society supervises the implementation of the provisions of Articles 5 to 8 of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act.
If you find that the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act have not been complied with, you can submit a complaint to the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Information Society by email to the following address: gp.irsid@gov.si or by regular mail to the following address:
Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo
Inšpektorat Republike Slovenije za informacijsko družbo
Davčna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana
5. Preparation of the Accessibility Statement
This accessibility statement has been prepared on the basis of a self-assessment by FESTIVAL LJUBLJANA and was last updated in April 2023.