Mahler in Ljubljana

Ensemble Dissonance
Soloist: Nika Gorič, soprano
Marko Letonja, conductor

Highlights of the 69th Ljubljana Festival
20. July 2021
7.00 pm
Križevniška Church
19 €

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H. Wolf, arr. K. Hvala:Heavenly life“, selection of songs arranged for soprano and chamber ensemble
In dem Schatten meiner Locken (Spanisches Liederbuch: Weltliche Lieder)
An den Schlaf (Mörike-Lieder)
Anakreons Grab (Goethe-Lieder)
Gebet (Mörike-Lieder)
Denk’ es, o Seele! (Mörike-Lieder)
Waldmädchen (Gedichte von Joseph von Eichendorff)
Die geister am Mummelsee (Mörike-Lieder)
Gesang Weylas (Mörike-Lieder)
Er ist’s (Mörike-Lieder)
G. Mahler, arr. K. Simon: Symphony No. 4 in G Major

The programme of the “Mahler in Ljubljana” concert links the works of the composers Hugo Wolf and Gustav Mahler, who studied music together in Vienna and even shared a room as students. The selection of Wolf’s settings of texts by Mörike, Goethe and Eichendorff connects, in thematic terms, to the idea of the last movement of Mahler’s Fourth Symphony, which talks about “the heavenly life”. The Ensemble Dissonance, which brings together musicians from Slovenia’s leading musical institutions, who perform both at home and abroad, will perform Mahler’s Fourth Symphony in the reduction for 22-piece chamber orchestra created by Klaus Simon in 2007 together with excellent slovenian performers living abroad, under the direction of internationally acclaimed conductor Marko Letonja. The soloist is the soprano Nika Gorič, who trained at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz before going on to study at the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she completed a master’s degree and, last year, a doctorate. In June 2017 she received the Royal Academy of Music’s most prestigious honour, the Queen’s Commendation for Excellence, awarded to the best all-round student of the year.

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