International musicological symposium

19. April 2016
9.00 - 13.00
Knight's Hall, Križanke
Open to the public

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Note: This information pertains to a past event. For the most up-to-date information, please check our calendar.

At 9.00 am

Chairman: Darja Koter

Ivan Florjanc (Ljubljana): Glasba: stičišče vsebinskih, časovnih in geografskih zidakov evropske glasbene identitete / Music: the crossroads where the elements of Europe’s musical identity meet: content, period and geography

Andrej Misson (Ljubljana): Področje migracije glasbenih idej / The migration of musical ideas

Luisa Antoni (Trst / Trieste): Glasbene migracije jadranskih obal / Musical migrations of the Adriatic coasts


At 10.30 am

Chairman: Leon Stefanija

Katarina Tomašević (Beograd / Belgrade): Davorin Jenko between Slovenian and Serbian Music. Case study on the Slavic music ideas migration at the turn of the 19th and 20th century / Davorin Jenko med slovensko in srbsko glasbo. Primer migracije glasbenih idej v slovanski glasbi na prelomu 19. in 20. stoletja.

Viktor Velek (Ostrava): Tamburitza-Musik in der Musikkultur der Wiener Slawen im 19. und am Anfang des 20. Jahrhundert / Tamburaška glasba v glasbeni kulturi dunajskih Slovanov v 19. stoletju in na začetku 20. stoletja / Tamburitza music in the musical culture of Viennese Slavs in the 19th and early 20th centuries

Melita Milin (Beograd / Belgrade): A Serbian Composer in France: National Identity and Cosmopolitanism in the Works of Alexandre Damnianovitch / Srbski skladatelj v Franciji: narodna identiteta in kozmopolitizem v delih Aleksandra Damnjanovića


At 11.35 am

Chairman: Niall O’Loughlin

Darja Koter (Ljubljana): Migracije v ljubljanski Operi v obdobju ravnatelja Friderika Rukavine (1918–1925) / Migrations in the Ljubljana Opera under the leadership of Friderik Rukavina (1918–1925)

Leon Stefanija (Ljubljana): Glasbene migracije v Sloveniji po letu 1918: koncepti “tujosti” v slovenski moderni glasbi / Musical migrations in Slovenia after 1918: concepts of foreignness in Slovenian modern music


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