Prosimo, upoštevajte: To spletno mesto vključuje sistem dostopnosti. Pritisnite Control-F11, da prilagodite spletno mesto slabovidnim, ki uporabljajo bralnik zaslona; Pritisnite Control-F10, da odprete meni za dostopnost.

Accreditation request

Accreditation requests will be accepted up to 7 days before the event. If the event is sold out, accreditations will not be available. 

Confirmed accreditations are available at Križanke Box Office, from one hour until 20 minutes before the event. After that your ticket will be sold.

Thank you for your interest in the programme of Festival Ljubljana.

Public Relations Office:

Tina Berk
Tel.: +386 1 241 60 20

Petra Kavaš
Tel.: +386 1 241 60 18

For the performance of Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem on 20 and 21 February 2025, you need to be accredited via the form on the Cankarjev dom website: