Prosimo, upoštevajte: To spletno mesto vključuje sistem dostopnosti. Pritisnite Control-F11, da prilagodite spletno mesto slabovidnim, ki uporabljajo bralnik zaslona; Pritisnite Control-F10, da odprete meni za dostopnost.


21. 05. 2024

We are offering talented young musicians a final opportunity to sign up for the Ljubljana Festival Masterclasses that, once again this year, will be offered as part of the summer 72nd Ljubljana Festival. The masterclasses will be held at Vič-Rudnik Music School and will run from 25 July until 11 August.

Once again the masterclasses will be organised by the renowned trombonist Branimir Slokar, who year after year secures the participation of the cream of the music world. Music enthusiasts will have the opportunity to take part in seminars with several internationally acclaimed musicians and teachers from prestigious European musical education institutions. This year students will have the opportunity to work with violinists Latica Honda-Rosenberg and Lana Trotovšek, violist Hartmut Rohde, cellist Jens Peter Maintz, double bassist Rick Stotijn, oboist Emanuel Abbühl, flautist Felix Renggli, bassoonist Ole Kristian Dahl, trumpeter Reinhold Friedrich, horn player Radovan Vlatković, pianist Epifanio Comis and bandoneonist Fabio Furia.

As well as technical pointers, the masterclass teachers will offer participants precious advice as they start to build their careers in music and attempt to enter a highly competitive market. Concerts by masterclass students will take place between 29 July and 10 August in Križevniška Church. As well as concerts by students, the programme of the summer Ljubljana Festival will include concerts by the masterclass teachers themselves. Their concerts will take place on 30 July and on 5 and 8 August, once again in Križevniška Church.

You can find more information about signing up for the masterclasses, the masterclass programme and the concerts by following this link: 2024 Ljubljana Festival Masterclasses – Ljubljana Festival .Applications close on 25 May 2024, so don’t delay and sign up for your chosen masterclass now!