
The deadline to complete the whole application is May 10, 2025. The results will be published on the official Competition website no later than August 10, 2025.    

Applications must include: 

  • a link of 25 to 30-MINUTE VIDEO RECORDING of the applicant’s performance; the applicant needs to upload the video recording to their YouTube channel and make it private (only accessible to those with a link to the video recording); the video must be filmed in a single shot, with high audio quality, without cuts between the pieces, with a fixed camera that frames the entire figure of the pianist and with his/her hands and face clearly visible; the program used for the video recording can eventually be included in the Round 1 of Competition; the video recordings should not be older than four months prior to submission; applicant cannot apply using a collage of different videos for different pieces, the video must be filmed in a single shot; the applicants must play from memory
  • birth certificate or equivalent PROOF OF AGE showing the applicant was born between 1995 and 2009
  • three current PHOTOGRAPHS, including at least one portrait photo, to be used in Competition publications (electronic version 300–1200 dpi; accepted formats – jpg, gif, bmp, jpeg)
  • short BIOGRAPHY in English including musical education, performances and awards if any to a maximum of 250 words
  • the COMPLETE LIST OF THE REPERTOIRE to be performed in the Preliminary Round (video selection) and Rounds 1, 2, 3 of Competition with accurate timings for each piece
  • TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION, one from the applicant’s current professor and one from a renowned pianist
  • PROOF OF PAYMENT of the non-refundable application fee of 150 € into Organiser’s account; if the application fee is not paid, the application will not be reviewed by the preliminary Jury


Banka Slovenije 
Urad za javna plačila 
Dunajska 48, Ljubljana, Slovenia 
TRR: 01261-6030357887 
IBAN: SI56 0126 1603 0357 887 
PURPOSE OF PAYMENT: Name_Surname_PianoCompetition