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Véronique Vial, Before 10 am

18. June - 31. July 2013
10.00 - 21.00
Križevniška Church, Križanke
4 €

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Note: This information pertains to a past event. For the most up-to-date information, please check our calendar.

Véronique Vial was born in 1957 in Paris. After studying mathemathics at first, she soon changed to photography.
Since 1989, she has spent most of her time living in Los Angeles. Of particular importance to her is her work with the Cirque du Soleil and musicians throughout the world. Her photos have been printed in such well known magazines as Marie Claire, Elle and Cosmopolitan. She has published numerous books, among these are „Cirque du Soleil“,
„Women before 10 am“, and „Men before 10 am“.

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