Important information
Conductor: Helena Fojkar Zupančič
Monika Fele, Mateja Langus, Katarina Lenarčič, soprano
Darja Vevoda, alto
Martin Logar, Gašper Banovec, tenor
Matevž Kink, baritone
Matija Bizjan, Tadej Osvald, bass
Igor Škerjanec, violoncello continuo
Tomaž Sevšek Šramel, organ
Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Ivan Florjanc (1950): Prelude and chorale Nu pujte, pujte vsi ludje – Praeambulum, chorale fugue and chorale (2001/2005) (First Slovenian song published with notes)
Adam Bohorič (1520–1598): Ena otročja pejsen
Ta celi catehismus (1574; accord. Ivan Florjanc): Sledni človik, kir je živ
Jakob Petelin Gallus (1550–1591): Pater noster, OM 1/69
Janez Krstnik Dolar (1621–1673): Nisi Dominus – Ps 127
Jakob Frančišek Zupan (1734–1810): Te Deum laudamus
Accord. Ivan Florjanc: Mary, Mother of Love (Text: Andrej Praprotnik)
Gregor Rihar (1796–1863): Our Saviour is Born (Text: Blaž Potočnik)
p. Hugolin Sattner (1851–1934): Mary, if I look at your gentle face (s. Elizabeta Kremžar)
Emil Hochreiter (1871–1938): May Smiles
France Kimovec (1878–1964): You Alone, Lord (Text: Gregorij Pečjak)
Stanko Premrl (1880–1965): Ave Maria
Jožef Klemenčič (1892–1969): Look Souls, an Open Grave (Text: Anton Martin Slomšek)
Slavko Osterc (1895–1941): Our Father (Arranged text: Rajko Nahtigal)
Alojzij Mav (1898–1977): Those Days
Matija Tomc (1899–1986): Ave, Jesus (Text: Gregor Mali)
Primož Ramovš (1921–1999): Our Father (1943)
Uroš Krek (1922–2008): Desiderium exulis, Ps 42 (1991)
Maks Strmčnik (1948): Christ, King of All Eternity (1996; Text: Venčeslav Bele)
Andrej Misson (1960): Ave Maris stella (1998)
Ambrož Čopi (1973): Ave Maria (2008)
Damijan Močnik (1967): Sacra religio (2007; Text: A. M. Slomšek)
There are not many occasions that a concert stage abounds in the sounds of Slovenian sacral music, which emerged from Protestantism, Renaissance, Baroque and until today. The Slovenian Chamber Choir, conducted by Martina Batič, will perform some pieces of this music and show what numerous choirs sang in their time. The treasury is extremely rich and draws back the veil on the unknown world of this music. To listen to pieces by some contemporary composers, the programme also includes compositions by Ivan Florjanc, Maks Strmičnik, Andrej Misson, Ambrož Čopi and Damijan Močnik; authors who feel close to sacral music and who have a special and genuine relationship with this music.