Important information
Welcome speech: Prof. dr. Primož Kuret
Chairman: Peter Andraschke
Primož Kuret: Celebrating the jubilee
Jernej Weiss: Music journals in Slovenia
Nataša Cigoj: Ljubljana, the city of song and music: the first Slovenian music festival (1932)
Franc Križnar: Filharmonična družba v luči jubilejne, 250. sezone Slovenske filharmonije upravnika Lucijana Marije Škerjanca
Ob 15.00 / At 3.00 pm
Chairman: Hartmut Krones
Helmut Loos: Glasbeni nazor skladatelja pesmi Justusa Hermanna Wetzla (1879–1973) / Perspective on music by song composer Hustus Hermann Wetzel (1879–1973)
Luba Kijanovska: Current celebrations of modern music in Ukraine, the path to european artistic integration
Franz Metz: The Fascination of South-European Research of Music. Mutual Relations Between Regional and Universal Historiography of Music.
Niall O’Loughlin: The Recent Development of the Slovene Musical Avant-garde
Luigi Verdi: Can the same music be written by different composers? A strange case: The Vittorio Gnecchi “Cassandra” versus Richard Strauss “Elektra”