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Explosive Concert with Humor

Dynamos: Simona Vodopivec Franko, Alenka Godec and Damjana Golavšek
Male voice: Marjan Bunič

6. July 2021
9.00 pm
Križanke Foyer
25 €

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Note: This information pertains to a past event. For the most up-to-date information, please check our calendar.

The Dynamos concert on 6th July is sold out, but you can also see their performance on 4th August.

Content and design: Jaša Jamnik
Producer: Jurij Franko
Production: Prospot d. o. o.

The indestructible Dynamos from the musical Mamma Mia! strike out on their own with their usual mix of energy and enthusiasm. After five seasons appearing in the most successful Slovene musical of all time, and following a year and half of lockdowns, the moment is right for new challenges. This time round, they will shine even brighter in the Super Trouper beams that light the Križanke stage in Ljubljana, as they demonstrate all the qualities they showed when performing in the musical: friendship, fun and unstoppable energy. A love of singing and music brought them together when they were still students and then led each of them along their own paths until they reunited as the notorious trio The Dynamos, an experience that confirmed something they’d known all along: “Together we’re three times stronger . . . not three times . . . nine times!”
The irrepressible Alenka Godec, Simona Vodopivec Franko and Damjana Golavšek will appear in all their musical splendour with a colourful selection of songs. Bringing a male note to proceedings will be Marjan Bunič, who shone in Mamma Mia! alongside The Dynamos.

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